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The Biography By
Mr. Bassam Al-Khouri


Mr. Bassam Al-Khoury...


Life Coach - Human development expert and self-development researcher - Personal trainer for many public figures, ministers, parliamentarians, politicians, businessmen, athletes, and youth.

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Karma Consulting and Training Company, as they called him the maker of stars and heroes.


Professional and practical experiences:

  1. Author of the book “The Life Equation 2020.

  2. Founder and trainer of individual enlightenment sessions to raise awareness, improve the human path, and self-discovery since 2012, which made a qualitative leap for some, and one of the best models developed by Dr. Jihad Ibrahim (Egyptian champion in swimming for people of determination and teacher of sociology at the Girls’ College at Ain Shams University). With the help of Professor Bassam Al-Khoury, she became an inspiring figure who gives hope to millions of young people, and she received an award as one of the five best motivating personalities in the Arab world in 2015. Professor Bassam Al-Khoury also helped her break many negative beliefs and realize many correct concepts, which led to great diligence, including being a representative in the Egyptian Parliament from 2015 to 2020.

  3. Certified professional trainer by Professor Edward De Bono in Six Thinking Hats and Thinking Court 1&4 in 2009.

  4. Assistant to Dr. Ibrahim Al-Feki in the Certified Professional Trainer course since 2006.

  5. The youth development program (the comprehensive training program to raise the level of awareness in society) was prepared by Professor Bassam Al-Khoury, which he presented to His Excellency the Minister and was circulated to all Egyptian youth centres nationwide, from the beginning of 2018 until the beginning of 2020.

  6. He prepared and presented the program “Life is Sweet with Us” on the Al-Hadath Al-Youm satellite channel in 2017.

  7. A comprehensive training program to spread awareness in Egyptian society has been applied in some Egyptian ministries from 2012 to date.

  8. He presented lectures to raise awareness among young people in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Egyptian Universities from 2012 until now.

  9. He prepared and presented many ideas for companies and businessmen to contribute to raising the level of production and increasing annual profits.

  10. He provided many self-development sessions for public figures, businessmen, artists, politicians and athletes.

  11. He participated with Egyptian public and private universities in providing courses related to life skills, positive thinking, and self-confidence to improve the quality of life and raise student awareness of the university.

  12. He contributed to raising awareness of the employment sector and developing the human resources sector in some official institutions of the Arab Republic of Egypt through the comprehensive training program to raise the level of awareness in society and the level of production. This was done in the Egyptian Parliament, the Egyptian Opera House, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Manpower, and the Ministry of Education. And many more.

  13. It was hosted to raise awareness of many satellite television channels such as ART, CBC, Egyptian Satellite, Dream Channel, Al-Nahar Channel, DMC Channel, Al-Mehwar Channel, Al-Asimah Channel, TEN Channel, Azhari Channel, Al-Hadath Al-Youm, SKYNEWS, LTC Channel, from 2012 to date.

Professor Bassam Al-Khoury’s achievements and previous work:​

First - The training programs provided by:

  1. His Excellency the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, ratified the circular of (the comprehensive training program to raise awareness in society) of Professor Bassam Al-Khoury, which he presented to His Excellency the Minister, and which His Excellency circulated to all Egypt’s youth centers nationwide, beginning in 2018 until The beginning of 2020.

  2. He presented several training programs in the Egyptian Parliament throughout 2018.

  3. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, he presented many training programs at the Egyptian Opera House, as well as many awareness seminars in some culture palaces and clubs.

  4. He presented several training programs and seminars for the Ministry of Civil Aviation in April 2019.

  5. He presented many training courses for the Ministry of Manpower in cooperation with some governorates, such as Al Sharqiya Governorate in 2017, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Manpower, Dr. Muhammad Saafan, and His Excellency the Governor of Al Sharqiya, Major General Khaled Saeed.

  6. He presented many training programs at the Leadership Development Center 2018 for executive managers across the Arab Republic of Egypt.

  7. He also presented several training programs for the “Small and Micro Enterprise Development Agency,” in March 2019, in the presence of His Excellency Nevin Jameh - Minister of Industry and Trade, and President of the Small and Micro Enterprise Development Agency.

  8. He has provided some training programs to the “Education First” Foundation and the “Al-Suwaidi Technical School”, to all principals of experimental schools across the Republic, as well as to all outstanding students across the Republic since the beginning of 2019, and cooperation is still ongoing.

  9. He provided many training courses for some multinational companies, in order to raise awareness, generate motivation, and increase productivity within these companies.

  10. He participated as an official speaker in a lecture attended by many political and economic figures for Al-Saidi Sweets Company in Alexandria 2017.

  11. He provided training programs in some private and international schools, such as “Synod of the Nile” schools, and among these schools were “Ramses College School for Girls” and “New Ramses College” for all teachers and school principals at the “Synod of the Nile” schools across the Republic in July 2021.



Second: Seminars, lectures and workshops:

He presented many monthly seminars and youth forums and held youth dialogues in some public libraries, such as the Library of Alexandria, the Public Library of Egypt, and the Greater Cairo Library in Zamalek, in the presence of some ministers, politicians, some representatives of the House of Representatives and Senate, and public figures, and with great media coverage.

We present some of these seminars:

1) He presented many lectures and courses to young people from public and private universities and some public and private schools, which contributed to spreading awareness and spreading the spirit of hope, positive thought, and constructive motivation to every recipient.

These are some of the public and private universities and institutes in which Professor Bassam Al-Khoury presented awareness lectures and seminars:

1/1 Public universities:

· Cairo University .

· Alexandria University .

· Ain-Shams University .

· Helwan University .

· Minia University .

· Banha university .

· Damanhour University.

· Zagazig University .

· al-manoufia University .

· Mansoura University .

· Tanta University .

· Beni Suef University .

As well as many institutes, such as the Higher Institute of Applied Arts in the Fifth Settlement.

2/1 Private universities:

· American University .

· Heliopolis University.

· German University.

· Misr Chinese University.

· University of Science and Technology.

As well as many private institutes such as “Al-Ahram Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology,” “Higher Institute of Applied Arts,” and others.

2) Schools:

Ramses College School, New Generation School, and some official language schools in Qalyubia Governorate under the title “Psychological Harmony between Parent and Adolescent” in 2017, as well as New Generation International School in 2021. About bullying.

3) Clubs:

He presented many seminars in many clubs such as:

· Alahli football club .

· Heliopolis Club.

· Al-Shams Club.

· Flower Club.

As well as some Rotary clubs.

4) Sponsorship from some ministries:

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, he presented many awareness seminars for the youth of the border areas and beloved Sinai.

5) Public libraries:

Professor Bassam Al-Khoury presented many seminars in some public libraries in the presence of figures, symbols, public figures, and some members of the House of Representatives and the Senate in some libraries such as the “Egypt Public Library,” the “Greater Cairo Library” in Zamalek, the “Heliopolis Library,” and the “Central Library.” “At Cairo University.

6) Other places:

Professor Bassam Al-Khoury also presented many seminars for young people in “Al-Sawy Culturewheel,” and some meditation sessions in “Al-Azhar Park,” given the important role that nature and climate play in a person’s psychological, energy, mood, and health state.

7) National celebrations and events:

He also participated in delivering many important seminars that discussed societal issues related to national occasions and celebrations, such as:

Celebrating International Women's Day.

Combating violence against women.

female mutilation .

The issue of population and family planning.

bullying .

Raising awareness of the rights of people with disabilities.

October victories.

labor day .

childhood day .

In cooperation with many universities and institutions such as:

National Council for Women.

National Council for Motherhood and Childhood.

National Council for the Rights of People with Disabilities.

Egyptian Family Planning Association.

General Union of Civil Associations.

8) He participated in presenting many seminars and meetings in the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services 2021 until the present time.

9) He presented a number of seminars for Misr Insurance Company in January 2022.

Third: Conferences:

  1. Professor Bassam Al-Khoury participated in the international conference “Sports is a Message of Peace” in the city of peace, Sharm El-Sheikh, which brought together scholars from all countries of the world, in the presence of

    • His Excellency the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi,

    • Major General Dr. Rady Abdel Moati - former head of the Consumer Authority.

  2. Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Professor Bassam Al-Khoury participated in giving a lecture at the Egyptian Universities Week in Minya Governorate, in the presence of all university presidents, and His Excellency the Minister Khaled Abdel Ghaffar - Minister of Higher Education, in a special conference for people of determination in 2018 entitled “ The role of universities in integrating people with disabilities into society. He conducted workshops with male and female students at the university.

  3. Professor Bassam Al-Khoury participated as a keynote speaker in the first conference for developing the capabilities of people with disabilities at the Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, “Challenges and Opportunities,” April 2018.

  4. Professor Bassam El-Khoury gave a lecture at the global tDx conference in Assiut Governorate in 2018.

  5. Professor Bassam Al-Khoury, in partnership with Dr. Jihad Ibrahim, founder and partner of Karma Life Consulting and Training Company, organized some cultural salons, out of their belief in the societal role and social responsibility. Therefore, they were keen to hold a cultural salon periodically with some successful and inspiring icons in society, such as :

  • ​A salon entitled “Happiness or Wealth, Which Do You Choose” in the presence of some public political and parliamentary figures, January 2022, in the presence of:

    • His Excellency Representative Amr Sedqy.

    • Dr. Suhair Abdel Qader - Our Children Foundation.

    • Ms. Hanan Al-Maghrabi - President of the Giza Karnak Rotary Club.

    • And many representatives of Parliament and senators, with great media coverage.


  • Salon for His Excellency Representative Amr Sedqy - Chairman of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee in Parliament and the first Egyptian and Arab to assume the presidency of the largest American organization in tourism, February 2022.

  • Major General / Rady Abdel Moati Salon - Former Head of the Consumer Protection Agency, March 2022.

  • A salon for Professor Dr. Iqbal Al-Samalouti - a leader in the development and civil society work in Egypt, President of the Future Eve Association, President of the Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Model Center for the Blind, in the presence of senior statesmen and some businessmen, September 2022.

Fourth, Television programs and Published news:

  • Mr. Bassam Al-Khoury made a television program on “Al-Hadath Al-Youm Channel” entitled “With Us, Life is Sweet,” in participation with Dr. Jihad Ibrahim in 2017.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury has been hosted on many television programs on most channels, to discuss many societal issues, spread awareness, constructive positive thought, and spread hope for youth and women, and among these channels are

    • dmc channel.

    • Capital Channel.

    • Ten channel.

    • cbc channel.

    • Axis channel.

    • AlNahar Channel.

    • Egyptian satellite.

    • sky news.

  • And many radio programs such as:

    • Mega FM.

    • Nojoom FM.

    • Radio 9090.

    • Great Cairo.

    • Youth and sports.


  • It is worth noting that Professor Bassam Al-Khoury’s articles have been published in many newspapers, magazines and periodicals, such as:

    • Text of the world magazine.

    • Long live Egypt website.

    • El-Ahram news papers.

    • Republic.

    • News.

    • The seventh day.

    • Youm7 TV.

    • Motherland.

    • LIVE Magazine.


Professor Bassam Al-Khoury has contributed to changing the lives of thousands of young people by presenting television programmes, seminars, lectures, cultural salons, workshops and open dialogues with them, which contributed to changing their lives for the better.

Fifth: Honors:

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored at the first Creativity Forum conference under the slogan “I Am Creative,” Cairo 2017.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored by the Egyptian Parliament and awarded the Medal for 150 Years of Parliamentary Life in Egypt, and for the training programs he provided to the General Secretariat of the House of Representatives in 2018.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the National Youth Council.

  • Professor Bassam El-Khoury has been honored by most Egyptian universities, and some private universities such as:

    • Cairo University -

    • Ain-Shams University .

    • Banha university .

    • al-manoufia University .

    • Damanhour University.

    • Zagazig University .

    • Mansoura University .

    • Minia University .

    • Assiut University .

    • Beni Suef University .

Some private universities were also honored, such as:

  • German University.

  • Egyptian Chinese University -

  • Heliopolis University.

  • Mr. Bassam El Khoury was honored by EgyptAir 2019.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored by the Ministry of Culture, also for the positive thought he presented to young people.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury from the Arab-African Unit was honored at the conference “The Role of Educational Media in Combating Terrorism” as well as the “International Conference on Countering Terrorism Vision 2030,” which was held in November 2019.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored at the “October Victories” conference and received the Medal of Honor in 2017.

  • Professor Bassam Al-Khoury was honored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, due to the programs he presented to the youth of Egypt urging the spread of positive, constructive thought and instilling the spirit of loyalty and belonging to the homeland, as well as by the Ministry of Culture, for his effective activity in spreading positive, constructive thought.

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