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Mr. Bassam Al-Khouri

Self-awareness development expert and author of The Equation of Life

Mr. Bassam El Khouri

Human development and self-development expert
Mr. Bassam Al-Khouri


Certified professional trainer by Professor Edward De Bono in Six Thinking Hats and Thinking Course 1&4.


Assistant to Dr. Ibrahim Al-Feki in the Certified Professional Trainer course since 2006.


He prepared a comprehensive training program to spread awareness in Egyptian society, as it was implemented in most ministries in partnership with Representative Dr. Jihad Ibrahim. It was also very popular among Egyptian youth, because of its great benefit in raising thought and awareness for those who want to change.

Providing lectures for young people by Professor Bassam El-Khouri and Dr. Jihad Ibrahim in all governorates of Egypt, at the request of His Excellency the Minister of Youth and Sports, Professor Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, after he heard the idea of a comprehensive training program.


Presenter of the “With Us Life Is Sweet” program on Al-Hadath Al-Youm satellite channel.


We invite you to experience the special individual session presented by Mr. Bassam Al-Khoury, an expert in self-development and business

The private individual session is a fun and unique experience that takes you from where you are to where you want and is capable of completely changing your life, provided that you have a strong desire to develop yourself.


This session was truly the reason for miracles to appear in the lives of many politicians, artists, media professionals, athletes, businessmen, businesswomen, and many young people around the world.


You can choose any topic or problem in the session with everything related to science and life experiences, then let the self-development and business expert, Mr. Bassam Al-Khoury, help you with the solution in a smooth, enjoyable and useful way.

تواصل معنا

Enjoy one-on-one sessions

We invite you to experience the private individual session he offers
Mr. Bassam Al-Khoury, self-development and business expert

Book now and enjoy the special discount for a limited time. See the difference for yourself before and after the session

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May 19
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

معلمي الغالي وابي الروحي

لقد أنرت قلوبنا وعقولنا وارواحنا بكلماتك.. التي رممت ما بداخلنا وأعادتنا إلى ارواحنا كم هو جميل ان نراك وانت تنشرها ليعم هذا النور العالم فهنيئاً لك بتلك البداية وهنيئا لنا بهذا العلم والنور ….

ولكل من يزور موقعك أقول له شيء سهل ان تكتسب المعرفة لكن الاصعب والأجمل ان تعود لحقيقتك لفطرتك لنورك وهذا بالضبط ما تساعدك عليه العلوم بهذا الموقع إذا أردت من يعطيني السمك فمن يعطي كثر ولاني ابحث دوما عن من يعلمني كيف اصطداد بعطاء أبوي نابع من صحوة ضمير فوجدت ذلك هنا …. معلمي الغالي امتنان كبير بحجم عطاءك لطلابك وانا لي الشرف ان اكون منهم


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